Amazing Davis did it again. Any time I ask for something, he always "overdelivers"! He said that he felt like he needed to contribute something to our "documentation efforts" (to use his words), so he made this awesome video of our special morning getting "THE CALL". Enjoy!
To help us prepare for our little ladies, please comment with any helpful hints you have for any great "must have" kid products or any special ideas for creating family memories. We'd love to steal some of your great ideas. We'll need all the help we can get!
2 years ago
Ian & Kyra have a special bond because they shared a room for the first 6 years of their after seeing how they bonded and talk about that time period in their lives with fondness, we recognize it was a blessings in disguise that they HAD to share a room. We recommend it for the Hock girls, there are always different personalities and circumstances to keep in mind though...if it looks like it might work for your children we would like to suggest giving it a try :-)
Congrats on your referral! When did you go on wait list?
I just brought home my 18 mo. daughter from Ethiopia, and I loved my baby wrap (Ultimate Baby Wrap) and sling (Hip Hammock) while in Ethiopia!
I am also glad I had/have my digital camera that allows me to switch quickly and easily between pictures and video (2 machines is too much when there are 2 little people!)
How wonderful!! 2 precious girls- I'm also amazed at how the Lord knows our needs so much more than we do. I look forward to watching you journey to Addis to pick them up. :)
Rejoicing with you!!! How exciting. We wrote quite a bit about "older baby adoption" at our blog that covered our journey to our newest daughter. Praying for a speedy court date for you! Blessings~ Shelly
Congratulations! Welcome to the family of four club! We adopted our two children in December with Gladney. I second the suggestion for a sling, I used one with a metal ring and loved it- to this day my 2.5 year old still likes to be carried in it. Please email me if you if you have any questions, I was reading some of your older posts, I'm also a working mom and it takes some adjustment and a good schedule but it can be done. (It also requires a very helpful husband!)
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about about two children or anything else for that matter, we were in Ethiopia for a month so we have a good lay of the land!
Congrats again!
S & D
You guys are amazing and such a blessing! I am so happy for the two of you as God takes you on this new journey in your lives and is placing these special children into your family to love:)
Helpful hints hmm... well I loved the baby bjorn carrier- very helpful.
Family memories are unique to your style but we enjoy taking trips with the kids and learning along the way like for instance we visited almost all of the missions in this area and the kids can journal about each day what was special to them.
I am a huge picture taker as I am certain so are you so keep up with that. Have an album dedicated to each girl and chronologically put in pictures of each age milestone for them.(I use a simple album I got at Micheals that is like a scrapbook about 8.5x11 and use 8x10 photos and then put over them the protective sleeves you can get separately)
Now that our kids are a little older we do family movie night on Friday nights. We order pizza,put on jammies and cuddle up on the couch with popcorn for a family friendly flick. The kids really like that. Sometimes if we don't have a movie we play games or go out and do something special instead.
Well, there are a few ideas for you, when you come up with some fun ones pass them onto me, too:)
CONGRATULATIONS!! I have been out of the blog world for a week, and SO much has happened. I am SO excited that your wait is over!! I hope we are traveling buddies. Cannot wait to see pics of your sweet little girls.
Congratulations!!! What amazing news and what a thrill! TWO little girls! You're house is gonna be busy and fun and wild and happy! Just enjoy this rush, and yeah, there's a million things to do in the next month - you're in overdrive now! have fun w/ it! Congratulations!!!!
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